5O46neo1gEm1BAtABNcgFnaUmdccWYW1mCS4HKH9ND0,5Y_P4dgHcSNajuNxqKAttR8vAcc-2aeLceHX31aA5Ecby Lindsey Edwards
Woodrow Wilson Community School Director

Currently the afterschool program at Woodrow Wilson Elementary serves 100 of the 740 students. The afterschool curriculum is aligned with classroom instruction. We partner with the city of South Salt Lake, and other community-based organizations, to provide intentional, high-quality programming for all of the student-participants.

After careful consideration and thought-sharing between Principal Jadee Talbot and our partners, we will now be able to double the size of the afterschool program! It is only by aligning partnerships around school goals that this expansion is made possible. The expansion will include:

  • Mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters with Latinos in Action students
  • Grade-level teachers will tutor students who need additional support through Land Trust monies
  • Two bus routes/times in order to accommodate more students
  • A STEM program that focuses on science, technology, and math with students from Westminster College
  • A new Choir group

When asked to share his thoughts on the afterschool expansion, Principal Jadee Talbot said, “It is very impressive to see all of these different groups reaching out and trying to meet the needs of our students. The focus on academics is a critical role that the amazing efforts of all of these folks play.”


We are looking forward to changing the odds
for more kids in our school and community!