by: Megan Anderson, LCSW

Guadalupe Charter School Social Worker

The students of Guadalupe Charter School have gratefully received support from the community throughout the years. In response to the generosity of others, students in the Summer School Program have been eager to find opportunities to give back as well. This summer students participated in a month-long food drive where each class collected non-perishable food to donate to a local food pantry.

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Students spent the summer learning about empathy and the importance of community. This project offered them the opportunity to better understand the needs of others and gain real life experience in making a positive contribution to their community. One second grade student explained about the project, “We collected food to give to people so they don’t die.” Another fourth grade student reflected on what he learned from the food drive, “It taught me that we can offer a helping hand, and show that we care what happens in peoples’ lives.”


Excitement grew as food boxes filled with donated items. At the end of the food drive, Guadalupe students collected nearly 100 pounds of food. All donated items went to Moss Elementary in South Salt Lake to help them jump start their food pantry aimed at helping families in need.

Way to go, Guadalupe students! Keep that giving spirit!