stephanie-rokichby Stephanie Rokich
Volunteer Engagement Manager

Last month, I posted this blog post highlighting United Way of Salt Lake’s 2016 Holiday Opportunity List with dozens of November and December volunteer opportunities and in-kind donation needs.

Today, I want to highlight one of those needs: United Way’s Spread Warmth Winter Clothing Drive!


From now until December 1, you can help keep a child warm this winter by donating NEW clothing for girls and boys ages 4-18. We are collecting socks, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats, beanies, boots, and coats. All items are donated to low-income students in United Way Neighborhood Centers.

You have two easy options to donate:

  1. Drop-off items at our office, 257 East 200 South, Ste. 300, SLC 84111, any day Mon. – Fri. between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  2. Save the trip to the store and purchase the items we need online! Visit to make a purchase. You can even setup a team with coworkers, family, or friends and send out the link to your team’s page. Set a goal and watch your team’s progress!

Don’t forget to visit each week for an updated list of holiday opportunities!
