By: Elizabeth Garbe
Community Impact Director of Public Policy, Education & Health
Traditionally, I have found that one of the best parts of event planning is the event coming to a close. Yet that was not the case for the Education Excellence Summit: Partnerships for Educational Success that United Way, in partnership with a number of organizations, hosted last week. What was most inspiring for me was being in a room full of people from all sectors of our community – business, education and non-profit leaders, elected official, and concerned parents and students – who were and are Raising Their Hands for Education. What I mean by raising their hands is that participants not only showed their interest and dedication by showing up to the conference, but they signed a pledge committing to Live United by helping our children succeed in school and life.
We are at a critical point in our history where our actions as a community will have significant impacts on our future; our children’s future, our economies future and therefore the future of our state and country. As Deborah Bayle pointed out in her remarks, “only 20% of a child’s waking hours are spent in school. That means that out-of-school time – after school, weekends, summers – are just as important learning opportunities as the time in classrooms. This makes education everyone’s business.” And this was the sentiment expressed by all of the speakers and presenters, which included Governor Herbert, State Superintendent Shumway, Commissioner Sederburg, Mark Bouchard from CB Richard Ellis and many other local and national experts.
This was an event that that I actually didn’t want to see come to an end. Even more important, this was an event that must NOT end. Rather it was a jumping off point for the community to come together, pledge to work together, and for individuals to Raise Their Hand for our kids, or community and our future. Please take the time to learn more and to make your pledge.