by Tim Harrison
Resource Development Executive
Beehive Sport and Social Club is an adult co-ed sports club, local to Salt Lake City. I’ve signed up with friends for two seasons now, in both Kickball and Sand Volleyball (my personal favorite).
The team running Beehive may be small, but they don’t see that as an excuse not to give back. Every season, they invest a portion of the players’ fees into local charities. They love supporting the passions of their league members, so I was thrilled when Beehive decided to choose United Way of Salt Lake as its charity for the fall 2013 Kickball season. The big check they gave UWSL represented the largest amount of money Beehive Sport has invested in our community to date!
Please join me in thanking Beehive Sport and Social League for their generosity and for LIVING UNITED! It’s my personal recommendation that you, and everyone you know, sign up to play—it’s sports at their best!
Thanks again, Beehive kickballers!