james-brownby James Brown
Community Investment Advisor

For over 10 years, EnerBank, USA has been a strong supporter of United Way of Salt Lake. Investing time and resources back into the community is one of it corporate guiding principles – a principle that has helped change the odds for thousands of children and their families.

In the fall of 2015, EnerBank hosted its annual employee charitable giving campaign. Utilizing multiple United Way of Salt Lake “best practices,” EnerBank’s employee charitable giving campaign was comprised of scheduled employee information meetings, special events and opportunity drawings, an involved leadership team, a dollar-for-dollar corporate match contribution, and maybe most important —  fun!

We recently received the results from EnerBank’s fall campaign and are thrilled with its enthusiasm for supporting our communities! The 2015-2016 EnerBank campaign was a significant increase over previous year, which is a wonderful continuation of its upward trending support!

Soon after its employee charitable giving campaign, EnerBank invited United Way of Salt Lake volunteer coordinators to participate in the first ever annual EnerBank Employee Volunteer Fair. At this fair, United Way of Salt Lake representatives had the opportunity to inform EnerBank employees about hundreds of ways to get involved through volunteerism in our community. The turnout was incredible and employee desire to get involved was exciting! United Way of Salt Lake encourages corporate partners to volunteer as an excellent way for donors to see how their charitable gifts are being used to support children and families in our communities.

photo ℅ EnerBank, USA
photo ℅ EnerBank, USA

Coming up in a few weeks, we have the exciting opportunity to host EnerBank’s Executive Leadership at a United Way of Salt Lake Community School for a site visit. The nature of EnerBank’s work means that community support by EnerBank must meet Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Guidelines. The site visit will serve to illustrate to EnerBank Executive Leadership that its support of United Way of Salt Lake is, in turn, supporting low income families. We are excited for this wonderful opportunity. Stay tuned for updates about the site visit!

Congratulations, EnerBank, USA, for a tremendous year of community support and for showing our community what it means to LIVE UNITED!