by Drew Martinez
Senior Resource Development Executive
Our gas is on empty, our feet are worn out, and that delicious candy is all gone; but we hope our Donor Network members felt the Valentine love.
Valentine’s week was full of fun as we delivered over 1,500 valentines to our leadership givers and Diamond Donors. Putting together all these valentines and coordinating the drop off was quite a process, but we made a greater connection to some of our most loyal and generous donors.
The commitment these men and women have to the work United Way of Salt Lake is doing to change the odds is truly amazing. It was a real pleasure to get out of the office and shake the hands of these loyal donors. Thank you so much to all of our Tocqueville, Women’s Leadership Council, Young Leaders, Leadership Circle, and Diamond Donor members. Your support is crucial to us delivering on our promise to change the odds so that every child in our community has the same chance to succeed in school and life.
Another big thank you to Sweets Candy for its generous donation of the valentine candy.