jerilyn-stoweby Jerilyn Stowe
VP of Marketing and Communications

Today, United Way of Salt Lake held its annual Funders Summit event, where our community’s foremost philanthropists and leaders came together to talk about how Collective Impact work is changing the odds for kids and families in our community. This year, we were excited to share a big announcement!

The Daniels Fund announced a $5 million investment in United Way of Salt Lake to bolster support and expansion of community schools and Collective Impact work. Kristin Todd, Senior Vice President of the Daniels Fund, took a few moments to speak about why the Daniels Fund believes in the work that UWSL is doing.

IMG_8226“The more we have learned about United Way of Salt Lake’s intentional Collective Impact work at community schools, we have been increasingly impressed with the meaningful work they are doing to truly change lives and communities. We are thrilled to be part of this incredible effort and look forward to rolling up our sleeves and getting even further engaged”.

IMG_8233-1This incredible investment from the the Daniels Fund will have a major impact on the neighborhoods and schools where we work. Specifically, $5 million will help boost student outcomes by supporting academic programs and services at United Way of Salt Lake community schools and provide funding to expand programs and develop additional community schools.

IMG_8148We are grateful to the Daniels Fund for its commitment to our community, for LIVING UNITED, and helping UWSL continue to do such important work in our neighborhoods and communities.