By: Iuliana Petrescu
Financial Services Manager

I would like to extend my deepest thanks to all of you who over time have generously opened your hearts and have worked with United Way of Salt Lake to improve so many lives in our community! Many positive things are happening, and it is because of you! Whether you make a monetary contributions,  give your time through volunteer work, or sharing your knowledge and voice. Your personal involvement has proved that by acting united great things can be done!

We all win when a child succeeds in school or graduates from college. It is like we all are going back to school, over and over again, with every new child who is given this opportunity to succeed. Every student, individual, and family that is supported by our work is a result of your heart and compassion.

You have helped us make greater and better changes in our community. We hope you feel enriched and have a sense of fulfillment because of your investment in our community….so, today, 30 hearts here, at United Way of Salt Lake are wishing tens of thousands of hearts out there, Happy Valentine’s Day!