by Ashley Hillman

Collective Impact Director

Learning for Life is a program of the Boy Scouts, Great Salt Lake Council, that provides enrichment and character-development activities through both traditional school-day curriculum and afterschool programming. Boys and girls learn about honesty, trust, initiative, and other life skills through activities at school, then they are able to implement these life skills at Camp Tracy in Millcreek Canyon through team-oriented activities.

I recently had the opportunity to see camp in action and was extremely disappointed that I had worn dress shoes! The obstacle course, rocket launch, and hike through beautiful Millcreek Canyon were all very enticing! Some of these students have never stepped foot in the canyons, so the experience is truly a rich one for the youth who participate. This was clearly expressed through the smiles, laughs, energy, and excitement I witnessed at Camp Tracy.

Students from Latinos in Action (LIA), a program that offers peer service and cultural enrichment activities for middle and high-school aged youth, facilitated each of the six stations where the kids were engaged in space-discovery-themed activities. LIA students were able to practice leadership by maintaining order and providing an educational experience for kids participating in camp. What a wonderful, mutually beneficial partnership!

I think I’ll actually sign up for camp next year….or at least wear my tennis shoes!