by Chelsea Nelson
Interactive Communications Director

Today, United Way of Salt Lake is participating in the Live PC Give PC one day giving event! Right now you can support the organizations in Park City that make it so unique. United Way of Salt Lake is working in Park City in a variety of different ways!

Today in Park City:

· 39% of kids live in families that make less than $29,000 a year (for a family of four)
· 75% of Caucasians own their own home, while only 2% of Hispanics own their own home
· 81% of Caucasian children have insurance coverage and receive regular medical care as compared to 50% of Hispanic children
· 94% of Caucasian students are achieving on grade level in language arts, compared with 66% of Hispanic students

Partners collaborate in Park City to address these economic disparities and remove barriers so that every child has the opportunity and tools to succeed.

Our Goals

1. Increase reading and math proficiency
2. Provide access to positive role models
3. Empower parents to engage in student learning
4. Ensure all children are ready to learn by age 5
5. Support a health home and connection (or access) to basic resources
6. A collaborative, communicative, and outcomes focused leadership team

Join the promise to change the odds for kids and families by supporting the Promise Park City partnership and give today or give directly to one our partners!

By giving today for Live PC Give PC, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, by longtime Park City resident Carol Carter, President of Industrial Compressor Products. All donations will be used to directly support the work of Promise Partnerships in Park City.

Visit our Live PC Give PC page HERE >>
