Database Administrator
Please don’t dismiss or mock my Valentine’s Day-themed blog post, I promise I won’t be quoting any amorous Nat King Cole songs. After all, you already know that “L” is for the way you look at me (and loads of other words, it turns out). Nor will I be bitterly touting the need for a February 14th Singles Awareness Day like so many of my stag comrades (woe is us!). Indulge me for 200 words while I talk about love—specifically why I love to do what I do. An associate of mine just asked me yesterday why I come to work every day.
Why do I love to work at United Way? The answer is in the co-workers. Now, hold on. This is not a shameless toot of our proverbial horn. There will be no tooting of horns today. Hear me out: the way I see it, I work at United Way of Salt Lake not only with the 40 dedicated and fun individuals I see around the office every day, but also with an entire community (4 counties full!) of men, women, and children who possess that collective goal of advancing the common good. Together we prove that joy loves company, too.
So, I posit the same question to you, as you are my colleague. To all you volunteers, advocates, mentors, tutors and donors: what do you love about working with us? I promise to read your comments (if there are any, *sigh*) with as much care as you have with my post.