Image by Iuliana Petrescu
Financial Services Director

Originally from Romania, I came to the United States in 1996. I like to travel and take photos of old places.


ImageI started working at United Way of Salt Lake (UWSL) in December of 2001 and was permanently hired in April of 2002. I found the job through a temp agency, and did not know much about the organization at that time.

It’s been great to see the organization grow and step out of the old model of    distributing funds received from donors to agencies, into the new, modern, and influential organization it is today, determined to improve lives, and build strong communities by uniting individuals and organizations! I am proud of all of United Way of Salt Lake’s accomplishments and the continued success implementing its vision, a community where all individuals and families achieve their potential through education, income stability, and healthy lives and all children are supported from cradle to career! 

LIVING UNITED defines our actions as employees of this organization as well as citizens – it means becoming a part of the efforts to improve our community, and lending our voices to issues we all care about the most.