TIP:  After creating your budget and doing your best to stick to it, take a look back and make adjustments to areas that need attention.

It’s almost always necessary to keep readjusting your budget. You thought you were off the hook, didn’t you? The bulk of the work is done but small investments of your time and effort will keep your budget in working order and your finances flowing smoothly. Did you over-spend on groceries? Did you underestimate your utility expenses? If so, go back to your budget and make adjustments so that things are more accurate next month. While you continue to work on your budget, check out these tips to help you save money and work when it comes to paying bills.

You can save money by making automated payments from your checking account!

Bill Payer
Does your bank offer online bill payer? You should definitely take advantage of this free service! You save paper, stamps, and a trip to the post office by letting your bank to all the work for you. Using bill payer helps you maintain complete control over when payments are sent and received.

Automatic Debit
Insurance companies, creditors, and other utility services might also offer automatic withdrawal from your checking account. You set up the withdrawal date and never have to worry about sending in payment manually. No more late fees! As long as you have money in your account, you’re all set!

Automating payments makes managing your money a bit easier and is most successful when you stay on top of it!

Don’t forget to check out all the available money management resources on the Believe in Your Future website!!