By: Bill
Believe In Your Future

TIP: When creating your budget, make adjustments to areas where you are over spending.

Once you understand your current spending (see last week’s tip: track your expenses), identify items that need changing, and keeping long-term financial objectives in mind, set goals for what you want to accomplish with your budget.

Tracking expenses can often be an eye-opening experience.  You may discover that you’re spending more at the coffee shop or vending machine than you thought! Now that you know just exactly where and how you are spending your money, you can make realistic decisions about what your budget should look like. If you’d like to rein in your spending in a certain category, set your limits a little lower and try to stay on target. Keep in mind your long-term goals and make sure to allocate money for savings or to pay down debt.

There are several resources available on the Believe website to help you create your budget. Check them out here.