tiffany_pranoby Tiffany Pranno
Community Investment Advisor

Zions Bank truly knows what it means to LIVE UNITED!

As its employee giving campaign approaches, Zions is working extra hard to ensure that the campaign is as successful as possible!


Zions is doing some great things to get everyone on board! First, it will be holding committee meetings prior to the campaign, in order to gather all information about the silent auction items and get everyone updated with the details. Zions is also putting on a leadership luncheon on March 28, prior to the campaign, to educate all leadership level employees on how their gift will help support the community. We know that getting leadership involved is key to a great campaign, so we are excited that Zions is up for the challenge! Lastly, Zions Bank will be holding a tour for all of the team captains to visit a UWSL community school, Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, before the campaign kickoff! Being able to see, first-hand, how employees can make a difference in our schools is a great way to get employees excited about investing in United Way of Salt Lake.

Way to go Zions Bank!

Thank you for all of your hard work and we are so excited to see employees get involved with changing the odds for kids and families in our community!
