by Sarah Trescott

Website Development Director

Last week we kicked off our Summer of Service with a volunteer project preparing books and materials for KSL’s Read Today Family Book Festival. United Way 211 Volunteer Center is committed to helping kids get up, get out, and get involved volunteering. Summer of Service is a great way to keep busy this summer and make a difference in our community at the same time.

Our kick-off project was a lot of fun. Kids were able to stuff book bags and draw cards encouraging their friends to read. It was fantastic watching all of the kids get into both projects.  The thought and detail these kids put into the cards was inspiring. The cards said things like: “Reading is good for your brain,” “superhero’s read books,” or “reading makes you feel on top of the world.” It was also a blast watching the kids stuff the book bags. One little volunteer was only a tiny bit bigger than the bags he was carrying, yet he was determined to do a good job and help out.

United Way of Salt Lake really believes that everyone has a part to play in making a difference in our community. And it was so wonderful to have a way for kids to be a part of this great work!

You can find more information about Summer of Service at!