elizabeth_garbeby Elizabeth Garbe
Public Policy Director

Policy-Matters-2013-V3SB56, Utah 2-1-1 Information and Referral Network, successfully passed the House, was signed by both the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, and will be sent to the Governor soon for signature! Thank you to our bill sponsors, Senator Weiler and Representative Menlove, and to everyone who responded to our Action Alerts! While the battle over the bill has been won, we continue to work on the associated funding request. We may not know the outcome of our funding request by the end of the session as the legislature may adjourn prior to finalizing the budget. Utah’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30, so a final budget does not have to be drafted until June. Stay tuned for information and possible Action Alerts.

Today was a sad day for Utah children when SB71, Senator Osmond’s Results-based Financing for Early Childhood Education bill, was defeated on the Senate floor, 11-18. While the battle for this bill is over, United Way will not give up the fight for programs that ensure all children have the chance to succeed.
There are a number of bills United Way is still following on the Hill. For a comprehensive list of the bills we are following click here.

Remember to join the conversation on Twitter! Follow us @UWSL and use hashtags #utleg and #utpol.

See you on the Hill!