frendt-zeniaby Zenia Frendt
Resource Development Executive

Alliant Techsystems Aerospace (ATK) ran a fabulous campaign this year. Although ATK has about 1,000 employees in the Salt Lake area, a huge effort was made to ensure that all of United Way’s best practices were in place, so that everybody had the opportunity to hear our message and become involved.

Encouragement came from the very top! Leadership meetings were held with top ATK executives to get the Division Champions involved. iPad drawings were held across the company for anyone who logged on to the pledge site—whether or not they pledged. A company T-shirt was even given out to anyone who contributed to the United Way of Salt Lake campaign. All of these measures were huge in boosting excitement and participation, and in fact, ATK Aerospace’s participation was up over 12 percent!

Of course, this company’s involvement didn’t end there. ATK actively encouraged employees to go on tours of United Way of Salt Lake Neighborhood Centers, and in the end, three tours were well-attended. ATK employees also participated in our annual Day of Caring, completing three projects in Clearfield, Kearns, and Magna. Once again, top level employees were involved. Even while digging in the rain, the ATK family had smiling faces and busy hands!

United Way of Salt Lake would like to extend a huge thank you to ATK for helping change  the odds for the kids and families in our community. ATK employees are a great example to all of us of what it means to LIVE UNITED.
