by Amy Worthington
Volunteer Events and Training Coordinator
Friday, the 13th of December, was a lucky day for the students in the Granger Elementary afterschool program. Employees from CHG Healthcare spent the afternoon with the students putting on a holiday party that included crafts, cookie decorating, story reading, and an incredible gift delivery at the end!
In early November, each student was asked to write down one item they needed and one item they wanted. These requests were then compiled into a list and sent to CHG for use in their Giving Tree project, where employees select a child and purchase the items on their wish list.
It was endearing to see how specific the holiday wishes were from the students, and remarkable to see how accurately the CHG team fulfilled them. As the students excitedly ripped-off the wrappings, they found everything they’d wished for and more.
The scene of 79 students filled with wonderment and gratitude is one that will stick with the volunteers and staff for years to come. Witnessing kids open their gifts exclaiming things like, “I always wanted these, how did they know?” and “A pillow, a pillow – I’ve always wanted a pillow!” is one you that leaves a lasting impression.
At United Way of Salt Lake and Granger Elementary, we are grateful for the generosity, kindness, and attention to detail provided by countless individuals from CHG, and their desire to make a difference in the community.
For a glimpse of what the day was like, check out the video made by CHG highlighting a few moments from the day, and see the fun photos below!
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