Ben Mallett
GPJH Reading Clinic Coordinator

With the support of the University of Utah Reading Clinic, Granite Park Junior High (GPJH) is excited to continue its reading program for a third year. The reading program consists of students working either individually or in groups with a trained tutor. During the session, students read, chorally, from a text that provides the perfect balance of support and challenge at their instructional reading level. The reading is followed by a word study component where students learn about vowel patterns, letter combinations, and the sounds they make. This is performed through compare-contrast tasks as well as simple games that keep our students engaged and learning through the whole lesson. The ultimate goal is to have what they are learning in these sessions transfer into other areas of their life so they can read unfamiliar words and improve their reading levels.

Granite Park Jr. High
Students at Granite Park Jr. High

The reading program, which is modeled after the University of Utah Reading Clinic, has become an important part of the culture at GPJH. It fits perfectly with goal of the school administration that every student experience 1.5 years of growth each year they attend Granite Park. We have experienced that type of growth in reading levels for many of the students who participated in the program in previous years. It also supports Governor Herbert’s 2020 Initiative by providing students the age and demographically appropriate interventions they need to succeed in post-secondary education. This program is of great value to GPJH and we are working hard to continue it for another year.

A new academic year brings new schedule changes as well. The reading program schedule was one of those changes. GPJH has moved their reading program to be a component of their afterschool program. Doing so has freed us from alternating student schedules and allowed us to reach more students. Currently, we run the reading program Monday – Thursday, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Students in the program come for a 45 min. reading lesson with a tutor (as described above) and then given 15 minutes to do self-guided work.

We are in great need of individuals willing to be reading tutors during that time and serve the many students who still need help. I am approached by students, weekly, who are not being served yet, asking when they can start. They are eager to learn and grow. This is a fantastic experience for volunteers to have a direct impact on the students by helping them improve their reading, gain self-confidence, and be prepared for the future!

You can start making an impact in a student’s life TODAY! 

Contact Ben Mallet to get started. 

(805) 550-7509 |

Girls at Granite Park Jr. High
Girls at Granite Park Jr. High