Sophie Siebach
James E. Moss Elementary Community School Director
As the winter cold quickly descends upon the Salt Lake Valley, it is important to be aware of the basic needs of children and families that we serve. Thanks to Larry H. Miller Sports and Entertainment, James E. Moss Elementary was able to provide much needed coats and hats to 130 students. The coats and hats were delivered by a special guest- the Jazz Bear.
On December 2, 2015 Larry H. Miller Sports and Entertainment donated 1,030 winter jackets and matching Utah Jazz hats to 11 local schools which were identified by United Way of Salt Lake. James E. Moss Elementary School was the lucky recipient of 130 coats and hats. It can not be stressed enough how important donations like these are to our school and our ability to focus on academic success. Indeed, when physical needs are met administrators, social workers, and teachers are more able to focus on their primary responsibilities of supporting children’s social, emotional, and academic needs.
Not only did Larry H. Miller give us a generous donation, they also brought the donation with a very special guest- the Jazz Bear. A few lucky 6th grade students were able to help the Jazz Bear bring in all the coats and hats and were able to hang out with him for a few minutes. From there, the Jazz Bear went outside to play with the 5th grade and 1st grade students. The students were ecstatic when the Jazz Bear started showering them with silly string and confetti. Screams of joy, as well as a little fear, were heard throughout the school. The Jazz Bear then threw out balls and posters to the students and signed every poster there. The Jazz Bear was able to play with the kids for about 30 minutes and they were overwhelmingly excited to be able to hang out with their favorite bear.
Thank you again to the Larry H Miller Foundation and the Jazz Bear for making the students of James E. Moss winter a little bit brighter, and a lot warmer.