DSC_0184LRGby Stephanie Linton
Oquirrh Hills Community Learning Center Coordinator

Oquirrh Hills Elementary recently held a clothing swap during SEP conferences with parents. Due to the generous donations of community members, parents, teachers, and partners, we were able to give away over 30 bags full of clothes.

“Coming to SEP conferences and get clothes? It’s like a reward!”, said an excited parent as she was up to her elbows digging through clothes. The real reward for me, was feeling the connectedness between our school and parents. Whether they came with empty bags or their arms full of donations, parents started to roll up their sleeves and help me sort and fold clothes. It was great to see everyone working together and take ownership of the event.

Students tried on shoes and coats, and parents who have never met before or even spoke the same language, embarked on a treasure hunt with me to find clothing for all their children. Phrases like, “Who can use a size 2?” and “Anyone want these cute pants?” where everywhere.  One teenager left with an entire bag full of dress shirts, suit coats, and slacks, which he has never had before. The best surprise was one mother who showed up in her pajamas, ready to help me clean up. “I don’t want you to think that the things Oquirrh Hills Community Learning Center does go unnoticed,” she told me, “Never hesitate to ask for help, I am not always available but when I am, I’m happy to.”  When there are parents on such a tight budget, it is a wonderful feeling to tell them that they can take whatever they need.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the clothing swap to make this event possible! So many kids and families in our neighborhood and community benefited! Also, a big thanks to all the parents and kids who helped organize and clean up after the event. It was great to see everyone working together and LIVING UNITED!


Oquirrh Hills Community Learning Center is a United Way of Salt Lake Neighborhood Center, serving over 150 students.