Chelsea Nelsonby Chelsea Nelson
Digital Marketing Director

We are excited to do a weekly feature on the honorees for the upcoming Celebration of Service Event, coming up on May 27! At this annual event, United Way of Salt Lake has the great privilege to honor outstanding individuals and organizations in our neighborhoods and communities. These people and organizations are truly making a difference, proving every day what it means to LIVE UNITED. The honorees of the 2015 Celebration of Service awards are committed to working with United Way of Salt Lake to solve our communities’ toughest challenges. They engage their will, passion, expertise, and resources to improve lives and build a stronger community for us all.

We hope you will join us in celebration of their
contributions at this fun and inspiring event!

This week, we are thrilled to announce Promise Partner of the Year: Big Brothers Big Sisters and Latinos in Action 

IMG_6681-adjustedThis award recognizes partners that work together with United Way of Salt Lake to achieve greater impact in the community. These partners work across community sectors and have committed to a joint approach to community problem solving that requires a shared vision and shared community goals.

Big Brothers Big Sisters and Latinos in Action are a great example of how Collective Impact leads to increased results in the community. As partners with United Way of Salt Lake Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) and other Donor Networks, these two organizations are being honored this year for connecting at-risk students with mentors who can lead them to a brighter future. By helping low-income high school kids prepare for post-secondary education and achieve their potential through education, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Latinos in Action are helping create lasting change. Through an innovative program called Mentor 2.0, students receive support that greatly increases their chances of going to college and later, finding career success. Mentor 2.0 has had incredible success, with high levels of engagement and increased college aspirations.

IMG_6513Because of their joint commitment and incredible dedication to our communities, United Way of Salt Lake is proud to honor these two organizations as our 2015 Promise Partners of the Year.

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