by Amy Hicks

Resource Development Executive

I am not one who is really big on New Year’s resolutions, however, like many, I do find myself reflecting on the previous year and thinking about its highlights, memories, and things that I have done or experienced over the last 12 months–and more important, the lessons that they have offered me.

One of the best memories that I made in 2011 was when as a team, Resource Development at UWSL decided to volunteer to read to children at the Guadalupe School.  We were assigned a specific group of children that were in need of additional one on one time to help get them on grade level in reading.  Since we got to work with the same group of kids every week not only did we get to see their progress and success, but we were able to create personal relationships with them.  Every time one of them would pass off a book or move to the next level in their reading program, it was hard not to feel proud of what they had accomplished. I knew that when we started this project that we were making a real difference in these children’s lives, offering them the opportunity to get that little extra help that they would not ordinarily get.  An opportunity that would have a real impact on the rest of their lives.

It was one of the most rewarding feelings knowing that I was truly making a difference. It was such a wonderful experience and while some may call it a resolution for 2012, tutoring at Guadalupe in 2012 is more than that. It is an amazing opportunity to make a change for others.