DID YOU KNOW …on average, American kids spend about five hours a day in front of a screen for entertainment; including television, video games, cell phones and the Internet? This means over the course of a year, kids spend more time in front of a screen than in school.”

It is astounding that in a year kids could be spending more time in front of a TV than they do in school. Telling a child that education is important, but then allowing them to spend more time watching TV than at school could be sending kids a mixed message about what is a priority. Research indicates that time in front of a TV can increase a child’s risk of having attention related problems, while being active actually helps kids pay better attention. Help your children focus on what is really important in life by teaching them balance, priorities, and the benefits of a healthy active life!

Parent Tip: Encourage your kids to try a new sport or activity. Give you children toys that encourage them to be active. Instead of a new video game or movie, try giving them a Frisbee, soccer ball, or kite.

Kid Tip: Try something new! Do you know how to throw a Frisbee, kick a soccer ball, or fly a kite? Try a new sport or activity that you never done before and get your friends to join in the fun.

Daily Challenge: Pick one item (TV, computer, video game, cell phone, etc.) to unplug for an entire day. Spend that time “unplugged” being active by going to the gym, taking a walk, or playing a sport. Going forward try having one day set aside as a TV free day.

*Statistics found here