zenia-frendtby Zenia Frendt
Leadership Giving Director

“Now I see how important it is to save money. The most important thing is that I’m opening a savings account to start saving money for college.” GPJH Student

Volunteers from UWSL’s Women’s Leadership Council took time out of their busy schedules to come out and talk frankly about money to the girls at Granite Park Jr. High last week.

WLC Financial LIteracy Granite ParkUsing It’s a Money Thing: A Girl’s Guide to Managing Money as a text book, and a PowerPoint that WLC volunteers themselves put together, the workshop explored everything from the correlation between education and income, to the importance of budgeting and saving, to the perils of credit.

Women of the WLC focus their donations and their time towards educational achievement. The work they do is directly impacting young girls and teens in our communities. Presenting this important material in such a fun way clearly spoke to the girls. Here are a few more quotes from those who were part of the workshop.

WLC Granite Park Jr“My favorite part of the presentation was when we were asked what we want to be. It was my favorite because after we gave our answers, we were told the salary and how much schooling it’ll take. The information was really helpful, thank you!” GPJH Student

“My favorite part of the presentation was the ‘expense pizza’ activity because we got to see how a gross annual income works. I learned how to make a budget, it will help me to not spend more than I have.” GPJH Student

Thank you to the amazing volunteers in the Women’s Leadership Council, for changing the odds for girls and young women in the Salt Lake area!

WLC Granite Park