Garet Hawley

Garet Hawley is the Human Resources Manager at United Way of Salt Lake. In addition to being an employee, he gives through our internal giving campaign and is a member of both the Women United and Young Leaders donor networks. This is his story of why he continues to give to the work of United Way of Salt Lake. 

I am walking through our boardroom. We have just wrapped our internal giving campaign. The cheesy pop music is playing, people are chatting over cookies and drinks, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

There are special circumstances in our lives that jolt us with compassion and gratitude. After more than four years working with United Way of Salt Lake, I still feel lucky—my cup overfloweth.

After completing my Master’s degree in England, I was looking for the right fit to return to the states. During my career search, I came across United Way of Salt Lake. I learned about their collective impact work, their outreach in the community, and their commitment to each individual. The values and mission of our work jumped out at me. This felt like a team I could commit to.

I feel deeply connected to the inclusivity and community United Way of Salt Lake is fostering. In order to achieve lasting social change, we’re building strong partnerships to fight against some of the most pressing issues in society. I have found purpose and passion in volunteering because you’re able to see immediate outcomes, impact, and kids’ lives changing. I have decided to donate to United Way of Salt Lake because I have the confidence that every dollar is being put as close to a child’s needs as possible. We are putting our resources, time and money included, toward impactful efforts of creating an equitable and sustainable society. If you’re in need of purpose, volunteer with youth. If you’re in need of belonging, join a donor network.

My work for, and with, United Way of Salt Lake has been nothing short of life-changing. The Salt Lake community has need for growth. Every person contributes a unique approach and set of talents to make lasting change possible for every member of our community.