A Successful Stuff the Bus

Makes Back-to-School Better!


This year, Stuff the Bus returned to near normal with in-person volunteers dropping off supplies, counting and sorting donations, and stuffing and delivering backpacks to 26 schools and eight community partner organizations. With everyone’s health and safety top of mind, we expanded Stuff the Bus from a single day to a full week to make sure we safely supplied more than 13,000 students with the supplies they need to succeed in school.



Our incredible community members came through for Utah kids, hosting supply drives (37 physical drives and nine virtual), making donations, and accepting contributions from supportive donors. In total, we collected well over 69,000 items + additional donations that will bring the total number of supplies to over 100,000!

The impact of these supplies lasts beyond the first days of school: a fresh notebook and sharp pencil can ignite a love of learning, crayons and markers fuel imagination and spark a love of art, and the right pen and paper can inspire the next great writer. When kids have the tools they need today, they can focus on what really matters for tomorrow — learning!

Here’s the breakdown of what volunteers counted and sorted this year:



Volunteer with United Way of Salt Lake. Find opportunities at volunteer.uw.org



By Jessica Gezon, Sr. Content Manager, United Way of Salt Lake