by Mike Watts
Community Investment Advisor

The metal recycling business is not a clean or pretty business; it sometime involves dealing with stolen materials and shifty characters. But one local, family-owned, and non-ferrous metal recycling company is a sparkling and shining example of how to LIVE UNITED!

For 55 years, Utah Metal Works has long been a trusted metal recycling company in Salt Lake. As the website states “At Utah Metal works, we are a family.” This is evident with 100 % employees participating in the 2013 United Way workplace campaign. This small staff of 42 raised over $16,000! Every employee gave what they could to help change the odds for kids and families.

I was deeply impressed in the short time I was able to work with Mark Lewon, Vice President of Operations, his brother Chris Lewon, Vice President of Marketing and Administration, as well as the rest of the Lewon family, who run Utah Metal Works. Mark and Chris are both members of our Donor Network, Leadership Circle, and both have put in time advocating during the legislative session. Mark is also on the Day of Caring committee. The Lewon brothers lead by example, allowing all Utah Metal Works’ employees (who are the “heart and soul of [the] business”) to LIVE UNITED in all three United Way areas; they give, they advocate, and they volunteer. These men and women are a true confirmation of how companies, even small ones, can change the odds!

Thank you, Utah Metal Works, for LIVING UNITED!
